
The Answers

Let's review...

Now let's see if you passed the test

My Answers:

1} CUTE. And I'll let you borrow mine because you'll want one too.
2} DISGUSTING AND DELICIOUS. Depends on the time of day.
3} STAY. But, he loves and welcomes everyone!
4} HARD. All ya gotta do is try. Once.
5} YES. If you hate them then chances are I hate whatever you have on your feet too.
You see, BFF's are always honest with each other.
6} NOT. Okay fine, sorta HOT.
7} FRIEND. And you'll only have to wear it when I'm in town. 
8}. SOMDAY. If you have one, I'm jelly. If you don't, welcome to the club.

See, we can all be friends! 

You don't always have to agree, you respect each others passions, you understand that honesty is the best policy, and you are familiar with each others "somedays".
And that's the beauty of friendship.

I miss you my Washington friends. A lot. 
Still taking applications for Arizona friends!;)

Have a great day!

1 comment:

Elaine said...

We miss you too! Come back!