
The Secret

It's MARCH and for those of you out there who chose to make "exercise" a New Year's resolution, now is generally about the time when that resolution starts to fizzle. For me, I don't believe in New Year's resolutions. Especially when it comes to exercise because I truly believe that exercise is a resolution that needs to be made daily. Why? Bottom line...exercise SUCKS! (pardon my choice in vocab.)

Unfortunately we are bombarded daily by a society that tells us if you eat "this" then "this" will happen and if you take "this" then "this" will happen. We could go on and on with the "this's" that are promised to us by those who really, at the end of the day, are just trying to make an extra buck~really!! So...

Here's the deal: Each and every one of us have been blessed with ONE body...ONE! And it is our obligation to do every thing we can to take care of this ONE body. I promise you that all those gimicky things out there-thigh master included- are not NOT the solution. (I think it's safe to assume that most of you reading this already know this but I also know that those 2am infomercials can be very convincing!) God created this earth in a way so that we can use all of it's natural resources for the good. For example...WATER, vegetables, grains, animal meats and last but certainly not least, solid ground perfect for an afternoon jog! Oh, and just in case you were wondering...Oreos, Diet Coke and Doritos are not considered to be part of the natural world~shucks!

Just ME~Please know that I'm not some naturalist freaky freak who only eats soy and tofu (no offense to those who are). In fact, my downfall in life is food. I HATE to think about what to eat, I HATE to grocery shop and I HATE to cook! In fact, in the world I create it will all be taken care of in the simple swallowing of a multi-balanced low cost nutritious pill!:D Honestly though, like a lot of you, I'm a busy mom who yes, indeed, enjoys McDonald's french fries with my children ,who grabs my daughter's left over corndog and calls it lunch and ALWAYS has a rotting veggie in the fridge-always! Are my eating habits amazing...absolutely not BUT, I do have a very clear understanding of the word MODERATION~one of my favorite words. Especially when it comes to house cleaning.:)

How I apply moderation:
*Small dinner plates.
*Grab a handful of crackers instead of box of crackers!
*If I eat dessert with lunch then that means no dessert after dinner.
*Whenever my hubs and I go out to eat we almost always share. If you don't have the same taste as your hubs, as soon as they bring the food to your table immediately ask for a box and before you dig in split it in HALF!
*Two slices of pizza and an apple instead of four slices of pizza
*Dressing always on the side
*Don't order appetizers

...you get the idea. BTW: If I could change one thing in the food world I would get rid of soda! If you're a soda addict (diet or regular) kicking this habit would literally change you!

What comes after moderation?
I'm about to share with you the biggest secret when it comes to healthy living. It doesn't get any simpler than this~really! Anyone who ever asks me for healthy living advice this is the equation I share:

Ta da! There ya have it! What you put into your body must equal what you burn. Bottom line! I know, I know...a lot easier said than done but so simple. I think this is a great equation to post on your fridge as a lovely little reminder that if you chose not to attend my interval class :) then you better think twice about having a slice of cheesecake!

Healthy Ideas:
PLEASE eat breakfast!
Drink an 8oz. glass of water first thing in the morning.
If you adore potato chips, DON'T buy them!
Always carry a healthy snack & H2O (more to come on this)
Switch to 1% or skim milk-we drink skim in our house
Whole grains-My children don't know what white bread is!
Sherbet or sorbets instead of ice cream-pineapple is my fav!

CHOICES...it's up to you!! Do yourself and your body a favor and MAKE GOOD CHOICES! This absolutely does not mean you have to deprive yourself of the more delectable things in life! Just use in moderation and don't eat those fat full yummies- especially after 8pm!

Snack Attack: Pretzels dipped in fat free cottage cheese. THESE are my favorite type of pretzels and they are perfect for dipping! My kidos love them too!

I really like THIS site for some healthy recipes. THIS is my latest healthy cook book purchase and THIS oatmeal is yummy!

Get ready to MOVE tomorrow!


Mandy said...

YAY! I'm SO glad you are sharing your health tips with us this week. I know you're full of them so NO holding back. :)
I look forward to you next post!

P.S. We eat the same oats only minus the apple juice, brown sugar and I add dried fruit; apricots, cherries and such. Mmmmm.

The Henricksen Journal said...

I LOVE IT! Thanks for sharing. I think I have the exercise part down now. I just have to implement the food. What can I say? I love food! I need to make a sign for my fridge, like you said. "Input = Output"

Lauri said...

I am doing pretty well in moderation on my food and pretty good on my exercise but for the life of my I can't stand water. I try to mask it and it is OK but blah, do not like the stuff!