
It's FFF (Fabulous Fashion Friday) For Your Castle

Wouldn't it be nice to be filthy rich and have the perfectly decorated home with the perfectly placed accessories and of course, always clean with the perfectly perfect family picture hanging above the fire place? Maybe for some but absolutely (truthfully) not for me. A home is a home when you add your own quirky character. A home is a home when the kitchen sink is full and the yesterday's laundry is still sitting (hubs would disagree with me here:D). A home is a home when the family picture includes a crying child and a mother pretending to smile.

Here are some budget BFF ideas on how to switch up your home this weekend.

Rearrange the furniture. The most budget friendly way to reinvent your home. I have a bro-in-law who every time he comes over the first thing he asks is how's the furniture this week?

Tip: Don't place everything against a wall. A couch randomly floating (you know what I mean) can be a nice change!

Change a light fixture. Does your home still have the brassy "builder's grade" fixtures? Change them. It's cheap and will make a HUGE difference. Bye bye brass boys...hello class!

Sick of old furniture? Can't afford new? Add a coat of paint and new knobs. You've got yourself a $1500 piece from Antrhopologie. A cheap resource: craigslist.org rocks!

NOTE: Take my word on this. If you have never painted furniture before don't cut corners. TSP, sand, primer, paint. Trust me on this. If it's a little end table spay paint is fab but for something like a dresser, bar stools, table. Take all the appropriate steps! Really!

Tip: If you are going for a perfectly smooth, perfectly finished end product, it ain't gonna happen. If you're doing a home job, shabby chic it or it will look like a home job.

{Picture of End table supposed to be here~whoops!.}

Hit your local Target, TJ Maxx, Marshall's, etc. End tables are affordable. Peeve: matchy matchy EVERYTHING. Sofa, love seat, end tables, coffee tables-BORING. Mismatched adds so much more character to a space. Try it. You'll like it.

Ask my hubs. I like clocks. Daylight savings is a bit daunting at our house.:D I've hung clocks in this type of arrangement before. Fun!

Call me vain, I have lots of mirrors. Too many probably. In fact, I've got a few extras in my garage if you need one. Caution~(depending on it's true purpose) watch the hang height of a mirror AND I've seen too many mirrors that are too small for the space they are hung.
Happy DIY weekend.

1 comment:

sarah said...

you need to go check out "jellio" i think it's jellio.com or just google jellio and look at the 'candilier' crazy stuff!