
Oh Mr. September

And we're back.
Fresh crayons, new markers~all with lids:), jumbo pink erasers, a brand new sharpened pencil...welcome back to school.
I love new school supplies.
When I went to school we used pencil boxes. The ones made out of cardboard and everyday I remember "organizing" it to fit everything just perfectly. Now days you show up the first day, the teacher has bins and everything belongs to everyone. I'm pretty sure Kelson's teacher has enough pencils to build a small condo on the East side.
BTW I still don't know what a flair pen is. Sorry Ms. Ashley!
This is NOT the look of "Mom...seriously? My friends are watching".

"Oh Snap"
Lulu didn't start school today (she starts pre-school next week). However, she was up and ready to go before the rest of us. Oh the poses she pulls. Maybe she'll be the one to make us a million. Maybe I should send her to Barbizon.:D
Looking forward to routine, "official" bedtime and less sibling fighting.
Welcome September!

1 comment:

JRiggles said...

I love his Volcom sweatshirt! 4 yrs ago I was informed by a young man at a mutual activity that I was too old to wear volcom...*gasp*

I'm lovin the consistant bedtime routine here.

Flair Pen link :) http://www.paperchaseproducts.com/catalog/images/EX086616.jpg