
He Cares

Last night I had a shopping date with my 9 yr old son.  Before Christmas he saw these shoes (pic below) and really wanted them. Well, when we hit the store last night he knew exactly what he wanted.

Although I spent more on the dumb things then I wanted to, the second he put them on I could tell he felt like the coolest kid on the planet. He did a little dance in them (literally) and stood a little taller. He was proud. Not that our children need the newest and coolest and greatest and most expensive of things but, what they do need is a healthy dose of self confidence. A lot of moms out there think their sons could care less about how they look. I bet you'd be surprised. We Mommy's need to teach our boys how to comb their hair, match their shirts to their shorts, and get after them when they fart in public. We need to teach them to care and we need to feed them with confidence daily. Why? Because we want them to marry well!;)
Watching my son feel good about himself was really cool.
See, told ya shoes matter! (hee hee)

P.S. I of course had to check out shoes for me while we were in the store and THESE are really cute!

1 comment:

Jenette said...

I couldn't agree more!!!!