
Because I'm A (wannabe) Ballerina

I'm the luckiest girl alive. I teach ballet and love every minute of it. Have you tried a ballet barre fitness class yet? It will kick your &#%! I'm telling you, ballet is not for wimps. If you're a wannabe ballerina like me you may want to consider the following:

These are so darling! No ballet skills required to slip these on your tippy toes!

This top is hot, hot, hot! 
Join a ballet class and your back won't be shy about playing peek-a-boo. 

There are no words for how I feel about this dress except for


I dare you to try this! Good luck! 
May you find your inner ballerina inside. 
It's a fun thing to find. I promise!


Jenette said...

I love the shoes. I want a pair!

Women Dresses said...

I love the dresses.Very pretty!