{click pic for more info.}
Dear Important Nordstrom Worker People,
My name is Mrs. Princess Pookie and I'm fairly certain my life will come to an end if I don't have this dress. You see, I would absolutely be willing to purchase this beautiful fashion work of art but A.) I have completely run out of Nordstrom reward points due to a must-have boot purchase and B.) my Prince Charming would kill me. However, I was wondering if you would be up for a trade? I would be more than happy to wash windows, mop floors, fold clothes, dust displays...you name it. With the exception toilets. I don't do toilets. Not even my own. Wiping up other peoples ickies just might be enough to make me vomit. But, if I can wear industrial strength gloves and a mask this dress just may be worth the risk.
Anyway, call me. My availability is somewhat limited. Maybe on Tuesday between ballet lessons and soccer practice. Oh, and this Friday I have a hair appointment so I for sure won't be available then.
Thank you for considering.
Yours Truly,
Mrs. Princess Pookie
P.S. Okay, if not the dress could I at least have a pomegranate smoothie on the house?
1 comment:
ha ha ha! I LOVE this dress too!!
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