
It's FFF (Fabulous Fashion Friday)

Today's FFF is dedicated to my Dad.

To our Dad we LOVE you so
But socks with sandals is a big No No!
(Note: This is not a pic of my actual Dad. He at least wears ankle socks-like that makes it better!:D)

You're the BEST Dad. I'll buy you new sandals if you promise to loose the socks. I might even take you to my favorite store (Nordstom) instead of Wal-Mart~you're favorite store.
Ooh...expensive sandals with socks! Hee hee...

And the WINNER is...
According to Random.org (I promised I used it!:D) comment #1~phish food ice cream lover. Hope you enjoy your new goodies!

Note to the winner: Please e-mail me your mailing address at mrsprincesspookie@hotmail.com.

It's Friday. Chill, EAT good food and last but not least...

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