
It's TT

According to random.org the lucky winner of the give away is
Comment #2 Erin Burton
Yay! Congrats to you. I'll pop it in the mail.
Did your grandma use to wear skirts like this? Did she pair it with tan panty hose that came in a plastic egg? Did her bathroom also smell like roses?
Well never fear, the new and improved accordion pleated TREND is  back and it's giving our grannies a run for the pennies in their coin purses. CUTE! CUTE! CUTE!
Take a peek HERE, HERE or maybe HERE (love this one!) to find your perfect granny match. 
Do you DARE?

P.S. My grandma always had peanut M&M's on hand stored in a wicker chicken. What did your g-ma always have?

1 comment:

annette said...

Hey!!! MY grandma wore panty hose that came in a plastic egg and her bathroom smelled like roses! And she had a wicker chicken that always had peanut M&M's in it too! I wonder what happened to that chicken....