
Weekend At My House

 {soaking up the sun}

Whoo whee...What a weekend we had!  Filled with fun, sun, and friends. Lucy's birthday party was a smashing success. Yes siree, patting myself on the back for that one and relieved it's over.  Truth is I'm really not the birthday party type.

The sun is in full force here. Not that it's never not in full force but, we were able to hit the outdoor pool~whoop! whoop! Not our personal pool (shucks). I'll have to give platelets before we can afford a pool of our own. Someday (sigh) someday.

Ok enough blah blah blahing...

Discovered THESE crazies. Pretty sure they're calling my name. What do ya think? A bit bumble bee-ish? Swimming pool...shoes....swimming pool....shoes.....???
 (They are for yoga and barre classes.)

I really, really, really like THIS cardigan. But I also really, really, really want a pool.
Mint and slug bugs and polka dots? Come on now. CUUUUTE!
Speaking of a pool...these sunnies are so fabulous. In fact, they are so fabulous there are no words to describe how fabulous they are! Um hmmm FABULOUS!

And THIS swim suit? To DIE FOR girlie cuteness!

It's Monday. 
 Wanna go for a swim?
Make it a great one!

P.S. I'm teaching my first cycling class tonight. I'm so nervous I could poop my pants but, I'm soooo excited too! Come join me. I'll save you a bike and promise to go easy on you!

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