
It's Trendy Tuesday...Do You Dare?

I admit it. I am not on the constant upity up when it comes to the latest and greatest trends. However, hasn't this (toe rings) trend already made it's debut and deserves another 10yrs in the closet before it's aloud to make a come back? Hey, I had one and wore it proudly. Like 8 years ago (give or take)!

Thoughts anyone?
Are these still cool? Why am I still seeing them?
How sweet. Maybe these are like BFF toe rings!?
Jewelry for the feet...I'm over it. Are you?
P.S. Those are some freakishly long toe nails. They're totally Lee Press~Ons for the toes!


annette said...

I'm ambivalent about toe rings... But those toenails need to be clipped though! *shudder* With all due respect, I'm a little grossed out by the long toenails.....

Jenette said...

I agree those toe nails are way too long...toe rings--i'm still not too sure about the look. perhaps it is b/c my toes aren't the cutest.

Lauri said...

I'm totally buying you a toe ring :-)